10th Annual Bonfire on the Beach March 31, Sunset-10pm
Join Us for One of our favorite annual events. Located Northwest of the Pavilion at the Jetty. Beer, Wine, Hotdogs & Sunset Beach GEAR will be available for purchase. Bring a chair or blanket to enjoy the event. Parking & Bathrooms available at the Pavilion. Rain Date April 1st, Sunset-10pm
Saturday March 25th from 8am-1pm
Sunset Beach will be holding our Annual Island Wide Garage Sale on March 25th from 8-1pm. Multiple homes will be participating. Come for the Bargains, Leave with the Treasures.
Following are a few upcoming events to add to your Spring Calendars:
!!!Beautify Treasure Island is coming to the Sunset Beach Pavilion!!! Saturday. Feb. 25 | 8 a.m. @ Sunset Beach Pavilion, 8000 West Gulf Blvd.
WHAT IS BEAUTIFY T.I.: The city of Treasure Island, with the help of volunteers, wants to make it a beautiful day in the neighborhood but needs volunteers to help. Beautify T.I. Volunteer Day is an initiative to beautify local neighborhoods by hosting a volunteer beautification/cleanup event each quarter.
ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT: Volunteers will meet onsite at 8 a.m. on the day of the event. Volunteers will be split into groups and assigned to a specific site that will be prepped beforehand by city crews. They will help landscape the area, pick up trash/litter and dead foliage, plant new landscaping/flowers, etc. The city will provide trash bags, tools, and equipment while volunteers are asked to bring reusable water bottles, close-toed shoes, eye protection and gardening gloves. Those interested are asked to register by email at [email protected] or call 727-547-4575 ext. 228. For more info: https://www.mytreasureisland.org/news_detail_T13_R165.php
The City of TI has begun working on adding sand, landscaping & native vegetation to the Sunset Beach Pavilion, Park & Playground. We are making an effort to improve our Sunset Beach Park with a few fun improvements in the works. The City of TI and Volunteers are helping to beautify OUR neighborhood. Let’s show them some LOVE and LEND A HAND! If you can volunteer, your help will be greatly appreciated.
Sunset Beach Island Wide Garage Sale Saturday March 25th, 8am-1pm Sunset Beach will be holding our Annual Island Wide Garage Sale on March 25th from 8-1pm. Multiple homes will be participating. Time to start your Spring Cleaning. Please let us know if you will be participating,
Gino’s Little Library now located at the Sunset Beach Pavilion Thank you to Gino Centanni for donating his time to build our beautiful new Little Library located at the Sunset Beach Pavilion, Park & Playground. If you have extra books put them back into circulation for our neighbors & friends. If you would like your own LOCALLY hand crafted Little Library contact Gino at 727-667-0956. Thank you also to Beth Wetzel for her contribution as well as Arden Dickey & Jimmy for their hard work and patience!
SPRING IT ON with The Black Honkeys March 4th from 6-10pm at Treasure Island Community Park Featuring Music by The St. Pete Sons followed by The Black Honkeys This is a fundraiser to benefit all of the Neighborhood Associations of Treasure Island including the SBCA. Following is a link to the event. www.mytreasureisland.com/events
BONFIRE ON THE BEACH Fri. March 31st @ Dusk @ the Beach W. of the Playground Rain date April 1st.
Save the Date More details to come.