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Sunset Beach Happenings

Speak up – Our Turtles can’t…

Wednesday, June 15, 2016 @ 03:06 PM - Posted by SBCATI Web Admin

An appeal has been made by several residents and [email protected] to have the city commission consider adopting a “Leave No Trace” ordinance similar to that of Madeira Beach – for the purpose of protecting the endangered sea turtles that nest on Treasure Island beaches.

Primarily, it would prohibit personal items from being left 24/7 on the beach – canopies, canopy frames, beach furniture, beach gear – all things that female turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs can become disoriented by – causing false crawls and their heading back to the water, abandoning their attempt to lay their eggs. And the little hatchlings become entrapped in this stuff.

Tents on beach

Madeira Beach has addressed such a hostile nesting environment with their “Leave No Trace Ordinance. “ Treasure Island should, too. The only ordinance our city has to address the problem involves tagging such items as abandoned property and removing them after five days – not effective in any way.

This WILL be on the Workshop agenda at the city commission meeting June 21 at 6 p.m. That is when the city commission will decide whether to advance this or not. Please go to the meeting for support and/or to speak. If you can’t make it, please email Commissioner Keys to voice your opinion. Thank you.

Information provided by: Nancy Furlong

Categories: SBCA Announcement

Neighbor lost home and needs help

Monday, June 6, 2016 @ 08:06 PM - Posted by SBCATI Web Admin

Sunset Beach resident John Stambaugh lost his house and belongings to a fire.  If you can help out, a Go Fund Me Site is up and running: https://www.gofundme.com/27txam4 

Vino-N-Brew is also hosting an event this Thursday where donations can be made. Live music begins at 8pm. Some of us board members get there about an hour early.

Please feel free to pass along this information.  Thanks, Your SBCA


Categories: SBCA Announcement

Potluck tomorrow!

Monday, May 9, 2016 @ 10:05 PM - Posted by SBCATI Web Admin

 Where: At the Pavilion

Bring your favorite dish as always! 

Categories: Event, SBCA Announcement

We made Cover Page!

Thursday, April 28, 2016 @ 09:04 PM - Posted by SBCATI Web Admin

Good to see everyone at the BBQ! It was another very nice evening in great company. Some even showed off some impressive dancing skills enjoying the live band. Nicely done everyone!

Our dog bar friend Tony won the raffle and wants to give back by inviting to another Sunset Beach special night, offering discounted drinks tomorrow evening. See you there!

Last but not least: We made the cover page of the Beacon today! Thanks Bob!  



Sunday, April 10, 2016 @ 09:04 PM - Posted by SBCATI Web Admin

Again, a BIG THANK YOU to ALL our sponsors!! Fist and foremost: Thank You Stan & Veronica and the Philip A. Bryant Melanoma Foundation. Without you we would most likely still be raising $$. You are amazing and have become Sunset Beach Family! We look forward to seeing you on April 26 at our Beach BBQ at the Lions Club.

The City of Treasure Island stepped up to the plate as well. There was never an indication of letting us down. Quiet the contrary. Even personal donations from city officials were received. Thank You City if T.I.!

Thank You residents of Sunset Beach who showed how much you care, once again. Together, a significant $ amount accumulated from many $50, $100, and even $500 donations.

We are very happy with the outcome of our project. It looks nice and enhances the playground, but most importantly, IT WORKS! It is everything our kids needed and they too say Thank You!


Categories: SBCA Announcement