Sunset Beach Happenings
As always, early birds are in for breakfast, compliments of Caddy’s, from 8:30 – 8:45am. Clean-up starts at 9am at Caddy’s and the Pavilion.
Also, watch out for the season’s first newsletter. If USPS cooperates it will be in your mailboxes as early as Saturday! For those of you still nowhere near Sunset Beach, click here for the digital version.
Categories: Beach Clean-Up, SBCA Announcement
As always: Breakfast at Caddy’s from 8:30-9am, clean-up following immediately after. Come to Caddy’s or to the Pavilion between 9am and 12pm.
NEW: Evening clean-up from 6-8pm (Pavilion)!!
Categories: Beach Clean-Up, SBCA Announcement