SBCA Santa Stroll
Put on Your Party Pants...and Get Ready to Stroll.
Santa Stroll TOMORROW Saturday December 14th
Break out your Funkiest Holiday Outfits and Let’s Stroll! Join in our progressive party stroll through the streets of Sunset Beach. We will gather together at the starting point, Sunset Beach Inn and Cottages between 5:00-6:00pm. Have your photo taken in your Holiday’s Finest with Santa at our Photo Booth. We have 9 Total Merriment Stops as we Stroll from Sunset Beach Inn and Cottages, South to Mansions By the Sea, then North up Bayshore Drive until we reach Ka’tiki for one final treat. See Stroll Map Below.
Post your photos on *If you have new neighbors invite them and pass along this message. See you tomorrow!