Sunset Beach Santa Stroll 2023, Dec 9th 4pm @ The Sunset Beach Pavilion

Save the Date SATURDAY DECEMBER 9, 2023 for one of our Favorite annual events on Sunset Beach. Santa Stroll will begin at 4pm at The Sunset Beach Pavilion. The Sunset Beach Santa Stroll is a Festive neighborhood Holiday Party on the Go. Local Stroll Revelers meet up at the Sunset Beach Pavilion (8000 West Gulf Blvd) dressed in their most Festive Holiday Attire. Santa leads the way as we Stroll together through the neighborhood and enjoy music, libations & treats from our neighbors and sponsors. At the Start we will sell a limited supply of Stroll 2023 Tshirts. We will have beer & wine available for a donation. The party will end with Music by Sunset Beach neighbor Steve Miller & The Beach Rats. If you would like to Host or Sponsor a Merriment Stop please email [email protected] or call 727-687-2522.