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One man’s TRASH is another man’s treasure-Annual Garage Sale on Saturday March 8th

Monday, February 24, 2014 @ 02:02 PM

Time to clean out your Closets, De-Clutter & Purge. Sunset Beach Island Wide Garage Sale will be held on March 8th  starting at 8am.  If you have nothing to purge come on out & search for treasures.  If you would like to participate in the sale please email your address to SunsetBeachPres@gmail.com. We are asking all participants to help increase exposure by advertising their sales with signs, ads, social media and more.  Sunset Beach T shirts will be for sale during this event at 44  77th Ave. on Sunset Beach.

The Sunset Beach Lion’s Club will be participating with a “Recycle – Reuse” Lion effort. The Lions Club will  will give away ice-cream as they collect prescription glasses as well as give away free Readers (while supplies last). Lions Club is: 9300 S. Gulf Blvd, Treasure Island; Garage Sale table will be set up at the corner of 92nd Avenue and Harrell Avenue in the Lions sand parking lot.


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