One man’s TRASH is another man’s treasure-Annual Garage Sale on Saturday March 8th
Time to clean out your Closets, De-Clutter & Purge. Sunset Beach Island Wide Garage Sale will be held on March 8th starting at 8am. If you have nothing to purge come on out & search for treasures. If you would like to participate in the sale please email your address to We are asking all participants to help increase exposure by advertising their sales with signs, ads, social media and more. Sunset Beach T shirts will be for sale during this event at 44 77th Ave. on Sunset Beach.
The Sunset Beach Lion’s Club will be participating with a “Recycle – Reuse” Lion effort. The Lions Club will will give away ice-cream as they collect prescription glasses as well as give away free Readers (while supplies last). Lions Club is: 9300 S. Gulf Blvd, Treasure Island; Garage Sale table will be set up at the corner of 92nd Avenue and Harrell Avenue in the Lions sand parking lot.